I preach to my kids to expand their horizons and do things outside of their comfort zones, yet I have been happy behind a computer keyboard tapping out my thoughts and telling others’ stories for ...
A new bill proposed in the Idaho Senate aims to require all Idaho students to be proficient at reading and writing in cursive by the end of 5th grade. Cursive is already taught in Idaho schools.
For years, Missouri lawmakers have tried to make teaching cursive a requirement, but concerns regarding technology and ...
Because you are reading this in typeface (or maybe even listening to this in an audio format), cursive probably isn’t even on your radar. Who writes in cursive anymore? Maybe to sign checks or ...
With all the divisions in this country, it’s amazing that the ability to round out your letters has become controversial, ...
But it doesn’t mean that they actually use it in real life. In the past, most American students began learning to write in cursive in third grade, making it a rite of passage, said Jaime ...
That information would then be sent to the legislature to review. Assembly Bill 3 requires incorporating cursive writing into the state standard for English language arts class. It would require ...
A new bill making its way through the New Jersey state legislature could require public schools to teach cursive writing from kindergarten through 5th grade. Supporters argue that cursive helps with ...
Republicans in the State Assembly introduced a package of education bills on Wednesday. Assembly Bill 1 proposes changes to ...
I know of two kids in West Virginia schools – one in middle school and one in high school; one here and one in the Morgantown area – who have not been taught to write cursive and are being taught to ...