Glasgow has been a city crying out for solutions to a devastating drugs epidemic ... hand the dirty, dangerous street corners and back alleys where they would inject their £10 heroin hit, not ...
Five men the FBI, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and Seattle Police Department (SPD) call the most notorious ... not to put a monetary value on the drugs we seize but what I can tell you is ...
Even so, the fatality rate remains shockingly high, and president-elect Donald Trump has said he'd 'like to end the drug epidemic' by battling the multi-billion dollar cartels bringing drugs into ...
In June musician Shiloh George Pottinger, 21, was sentenced to 15 years in jail for manslaughter, after killing nineteen-year ...
The 15 new drugs are the second group of medications set to undergo the process and are among the most expensive for the ... "These 15 drugs, together with the 10 drugs that Medicare already ...
And in December, the Drug Enforcement Administration held its first meeting about the effort to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug ... And an additional 10 states have passed laws ...
Maintaining a healthy weight is good for your body and can also help with self-esteem. If you’ve been trying to lose weight, ...
The law thus implies that class A drugs are the most dangerous of all. Class B is thought to be less ... and 1% of responses had not recorded their region. Fewer than 10 psychiatrists from the Royal ...
Too much of anything can be bad, and the consequence of too much of drugs is something we are all familiar ... ‘Cocaine Cowboys 2’ throws light on one of the world’s most notorious and dangerous drug ...