After Tuesday’s Littleton School District ballot vote, a teacher union contract was approved, and two incumbents were ...
A new Arkansas law, Act 229, makes gun safety courses mandatory for public school students in the state.The aim of the law is to protect children from the acci ...
CLEVELAND COUNTY, N.C. — Meteorologist Kaitlin Wright went to Union Elementary School to talk all things weather. The second graders played Weather Jeopardy and learned about cloud types, disasters, ...
A new law signed by Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders requires yearly gun safety courses for students in public schools.
The Arkansas Department of Education and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will be working together to provide age-appropriate firearms safety instruction to students.
Since 1913, presidents normally deliver a State of the Union address outlining the nation’s priorities and achievements. But this year, there won't be a State of the Union, technically.