Not all successful upper body sessions happen in the weights section of the gym ... Although this is an equipment-free workout, we do recommend finding something padded to perform the routine ...
Yes, you can build upper-body strength without the gym, and all you need is a kettlebell, three moves and 30 minutes.
Rather than relying on shoulder stretches to build mobile shoulders, try these upper-body moves instead. As a trainer, I love learning from other fitness professionals, physiotherapists and ...
Combine these arm, shoulder, chest, and back exercises to create the best upper-body workout for building muscle. There's lifting heavy in the weight room—and then there's moving anything you want.
The Z press could improve shoulder mechanics and overhead pressing movement patterns while helping to develop a strong core ...
Basic back squats are a pillar of strength. And while it's an important compound movement, it mainly focuses on your ...
The pursuit of a stronger, more defined upper body often leads people to lengthy ... The key to success lies in choosing the right weight. Dumbbells between 10 and 25 pounds are recommended ...