Nejspíš se vám to už stalo. Přesolili jste jídlo. Máme pro vás několik fíglů, jak vytáhnout sůl z polévky nebo omáčky, aby ...
Celebrity v LA čelí kritice kvůli nedostatku vody na hašení požáru Teleskop Jamese Webba našel důkaz mimozemského života Retro okénko: Čokoládová cukrovinka Nugeta stávala kdysi ...
Přestože dnes již není pochyb o negativních dopadech konzumace alkoholu na náš organismus, jeho spotřeba je u nás stále velmi ...
Proč držet měsíc bez alkoholu, jak zahájit abstinenci a hlavně jak vydržet? Co se stane s vaším tělem, když přestanete pít alkohol? Vyzkoušejte to na sobě. Poradíme vám, jak na to.
Consuming more than one drink a day results in a steep increase of the risk of premature death, a new federal review has concluded. The draft report was published Tuesday ahead of a major update ...
Share on Pinterest Recent reports on moderate alcohol consumption have left many people wondering whether it’s safe to drink at all. Studio Firma/Stocksy United A new federal report shows that ...
Just one alcoholic drink a day is linked to a wide range of negative health effects, according to a federal report released Tuesday. The findings, which apply to both men and women, tied a daily ...
It called on the European Union to implement a two-drink limit per passenger at airports, imposing it by “using their boarding pass(es) in exactly the same way they limit duty free sales,” an ...
(WHTM) — A popular cola drink that first launched in the 1980s is set to make its official comeback. REDCON1 is set to re-introduce its JOLT Cola to a new generation of consumers. According to ...
Suddenly, moderation is sweeping the nation. Nearly half of Americans (49%) say they plan to drink less in 2025 – up from 41% who said that was their plan in 2024, according to a new survey ...