To leave a lasting impression, villains not only have to present a real challenge to the hero, but they also have to evoke ...
Race to the Rhein” World War II living history weekend builds on the previous years’ successes, bringing back popular ...
Rudi Haymann highlighted details about the masses of survivors and displaced people not often discussed in the Holocaust.
By 1939, The German Bund filled Madison Square Garden with 20,000 strong. The American version of the Nazi Party was ...
Zamaraeva and Artem Kureev, the editor in chief of African Initiative, dispute the suggestion that “African Dawn” articulates ...
A Utah bill originally aimed at banning pride flags in schools and on government property was amended hours after the GOP sponsor said the legislation would let schools display Nazi and Confederate ...
Prohibited from serving with the U.S. Army as a medical officer, Barbara Stimson was commissioned by the British—and helped ...
Theodore Preston spent part of his weekend on a dreaded task that rolls around for nearly all adults every few years: getting ...
According to expert assessments commissioned by the Police and Border Guard Board (PPA), the authority which last fall, ...
The Washington, D.C., Evening Star reported Monday, Jan. 1, 1940, that “merry crowds” had gathered in the nation’s capital to ...