The Italian government is reported to be using the current slump in chip markets as a reason to replace ST’s French CEO Jean-Marc Chéry (pictured), reports Les Echos Although the Italian and French ...
In the era of smart homes, automation and integration are key to enhancing convenience and efficiency. Our project leverages the SIPEED MAIXDUINO… ...
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Organizations including Qualcomm and Wiliot have announced the formation of the Ambient IoT Alliance, a multi-standard ecosystem of ambient IoT manufacturers, suppliers, integrators, operators ...
Leading industry companies including Infineon, Intel, PepsiCo, and Qualcomm have joined together to form the Ambient IoT Alliance (AIoTA) to develop and scale energy-harvesting in battery-less IoT ...
The implications of IoT-equipped, AI/ML-enabled HVAC systems are high-impact in system performance, maintenance and operational costs. Source: Shevon/Adobe Stock Heating, ventilation and air ...
💡An amazing spot of 80+ projects to step your foot into this ocean of "Internet Of things". Dive deep and explore the fiesta of electronics. Broaden your vision at a single go.😎 ...