The airstrike on Kyauknimaw also injured at least 20 residents and destroyed around 500 homes in its northern, southern and central wards and close to the main market. Among the victims were women, ...
Junta airstrikes killed at least 41 people and injured 50 others in a village in Rakhine State’s Ramree Township on Wednesday ...
Myanmar, a country in Southeast Asia, is facing a severe crisis as it spirals into a full-blown civil war. The situation ...
"Myanmar’s military regime struggled harder to maintain a charade of normalcy this year as its territorial control shrank in the face of relentless resistance advances." ...
Michael Martin is an adjunct fellow at Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). He served as a ...
In a significant turn of events that may impact the geographical boundaries of India, the Arakan Army, which is fighting ...
China has much at stake. Its 771-kilometer oil and gas pipeline dissects Rakhine from its capital Sittwe through to Myanmar’s ...
The United League of Arakan (ULA) and its military wing, the Arakan Army, have captured 15 of the 18 townships of the Rakhine ...
They cautioned that delays in establishing contact with the Arakan Army could lead to “missed opportunities” as external actors increasingly engage with Rakhine through maritime routes ...
Myanmar’s junta forces now control less than half the country after suffering major battlefield setbacks in 2024 – including ...
The Arakan Army says that it is ready to engage in “political dialogue” and vowed to safeguard foreign investments in Rakhine ...
Soldiers have been fighting the Arakan Army/AA rebels in the area since mid-2019 and periods of active combat have been increasingly common in the last few months. Not a lot of casualties but enough ...