The sequel to the 2023 British hit, Bank of Dave, has landed on Netflix, sparking mixed reactions among viewers. Based on the ...
As the opening title card tells us, Bank of Dave 2 is "based on a true (ish) story" like the first movie, but how accurate is ...
The pop star's new single brought in 26% of the vote. Take me back to a '90s supermarket, please!
Bank of Dave 2: The Loan Ranger, set to premiere globally in January 2025 on Netflix, follows Dave Fishwick's battle against payday loan companies. Teaming up with an American journalist and a ...
Bank of Dave 2: The Loan Ranger was released on Netflix this week, and follows Fishwick (played by Rory Kinnear) in his fight against payday lenders. The film rose immediately to the top of ...
A new Netflix movie starring Rory Kinnear as Burnley entrepreneur Dave Fishwick has hit number one on its streaming charts over the weekend.
Link to Best Movies of 2024: Every Certified Fresh Movie What to Watch: In Theaters and On Streaming. Link to What to Watch: In Theaters and On Streaming.