美國總統川普今天召開記者會表示,他已決定對貿易夥伴祭出「對等關稅」,在他日益擴大的全球關稅戰中開闢新的戰線,而新關稅將為美國每個貿易夥伴量身定制。法新社報導,這項最新舉措勢必將撼動美國內政與外交政策。川普(Donald Trump)在白宮橢圓形辦公室對記者表示,美國盟友在貿易方面常常「比我們的敵人更糟糕」。
By Crystal Hsu / Staff reporterTaiwan’s economy is set to maintain stable growth of more than 3 percent this year, bolstered by a favorable global environment and strong exports and private investment ...
‘UNITED FRONT’:Chang Hsien-yao, a former KMT legislator, allegedly received instructions from China to organize a joint Terry Gou-Ko Wen-je presidential ticketBy Tsai Ching-hua and Jason Pan / Staff r ...