Neither officer had met before incident and one was off duty when he pulled over.
The force has also improved the external scrutiny of its use of stop and search since HMICFRS' 2020/21 inspection, though ...
Unit sees illegal e-bikes increasingly used by commuters, food delivery riders and criminals who use them to snatch phones.
The London Race Action Plan points to a number of steps already taken, including the introduction of a new stop and search ...
PCC Darryl Preston has given a wide-ranging interview to Chris Mann from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
An investigation found the call handler was sharing police intelligence with OCG while working remotely during the pandemic.
Data from the Office for National Statistics has shown 169 police officers committed suicide between 2011 and 2019.
Get access to exclusive news and features from a policing perspective. With 50 articles a week, covering all facets of l ...
But 'there is no standing army' and mutual aid public order resources need to be matched by investigative capacity and other ...
The PSA has drawn a direct correlation between the position of police pay and pension entitlements and the number of officers ...
Russell Webster reviews a new study which supports an end to joint enterprise convictions.