I have a new interest in hifi and it is in active speakers. It all started with the Hypex AS2.100 modules. These weren't perfect, but still impressed me with their tight, dynamic and clear sound.
There are numerous, sometimes conflicting, theories on the best ways to keep LP records and replay stylii clean, but one thing everyone agrees on is that either or both must be kept clean to minimise ...
Many audio equipment manufacturers these days use operational amplifiers. Operational amplifiers are a simple solution for obtaining gain and low distortion. These devices cost pennies, though there ...
Forgive me because now we're going to have on of my rambling introductions. The DRT-1t is Dynavector's new flagship cartridge. Regular readers will know that I've reviewed and been a long term user of ...
I have to say, that even before I got my hands on these speakers, I was very impressed by its design - especially the crossover-less drivers, time-aligned MTM profile, bass response down into the 30s ...
I've said it before, but boy are we 300b valve addicts lucky. 30 years ago you'd be one of an obsessive minority hunting down NOS valves, and paying exorbitant amounts for ancient Western Electric ...
I see all sorts in this game! After the fabulously individual design of the Virtue Sensation and Piano, came the much more conventional styling of the ONIX A55 amplifier, and CD10 CD player. I had ...
When I was 18 I can remember shelling out £5 for a vinyl album (1978 – Dylan 'Planet Waves' if you're interested) and thinking that I'd just blown a day's pay... Vinyl was expensive... 36 years later ...
Dopo un lungo periodo di attesa, ecco finalmente sulle pagine di TNT un nuovo progetto di diffusori. Le Primaluce sono un sistema a tre vie, tre altoparlanti, intorno agli 89 dB di efficienza per 4 ...
This is a long due review. The original reason was the review of other caps here on TNT. The review caused three types of reactions. First kind of reaction, and the largest for sure, was the request ...
There are certain moments in everyone's life, when we try to deepen our understanding about something that we generally are not familiar with. Sometimes we try to learn, come to understand and then ...
Onward with my quest to discover the pros and cons of the vinyl format for myself. In this second installment, I step up from the package I tested first in this series (MusicHall mmf 2.1SE, Bellari ...