Karen Tamley is the president and CEO of Access Living, a Chicago organization that centers service, advocacy, and social change for people with all kinds of disabilities. It’s also run by people with ...
With the TRO against the Board of Education in place, the fired CPS CEO remains in charge of Chicago Public Schools.
Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates is coming under fire for comparing CEO Pedro Martinez to a special education student who can’t be suspended at a meeting before hundreds of ...
The measures seek to fulfill some of the Republican president's core campaign promises around education, though it's unclear ...
Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates adamantly defended the union’s teachers’ contract proposals in a press conference Monday, despite Chicago Public Schools facing significant ...
ICE agents showed up at Hamline Elementary School at around 11:15 a.m. The principal said they followed protocols and did not ...
Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Teachers Union sent a letter reaffirming their commitment to being a sanctuary place ...
Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates says a fact-finding process underway now is “stacked against” the CTU, ...
CPS and CTU have begun fact-finding hearings this week, a required stage in negotiations before the union can legally go on ...