What is the best way to put a cat to sleep? - BackYard Chickens
Jul 22, 2010 · We have a 17 year old cat. He seems to be in a lot of pain right now. He needs to be put to sleep, but we don't have the money to take him to a vet. Can anyone help? We want to put him to sleep as peacefully as possible.
Is ETHER a humane way to euthanize? any info for me? DH wants …
Mar 16, 2009 · Chemically putting an animal down is not the most humane. It takes much much longer than a quick chop of the head that is an instant death. That is the most humane way. Any other way is really just appeasing the owners feelings.
What is the best way to put a cat to sleep? - BackYard Chickens
Jul 21, 2010 · It can be done, but could potentially cause the cat more pain. Dogs can handle aspirin just fine, not so good in cats. "Q: What about my cat and aspirin? A: Cats are much more sensitive to aspirin. Cats cannot break down aspirin as quickly as dogs (or humans), and thus, the cat can be easily overdosed with the accumulation of the drug in the body.
Question RE: Euthanizing Using Starting Fluid... - BackYard Chickens
Feb 7, 2007 · Thanks 'silkiechicken' but I couldn't do a hands on approach, I can't even imagine myself doing that...I know it's better for the hen but I wouldn't be able to sleep for days or probably weeks, and the nightmares! Ugh... And 'antadeta', I had a dog attack happen last week and this hen was one who was injured.
How to put a chick to sleep? - BackYard Chickens
Mar 18, 2016 · I want to know of there is a way to make the chick go to sleep so that they aren't awake for the stitching so that they don't have to feel the pain and so that they don't keep moving while I'm doing it. I know a lot of you will probably tell me that I should put them down, but I want to attempt to save them if I see a chance.
Best way to put down a cat in a peaceful way?
Oct 31, 2011 · My husband had a cat that was very old and was no longer eating or drinking. I dont know if its the best way, but he snapped its neck after petting him to sleep. Some people act like hes a crazy cat killer but he had the cat his whole life and could bare thinking that his last moments would be freaking out at a vets office.
Where does your Rooster sleep? - BackYard Chickens
Jul 25, 2013 · Coop 1 and 2 the Roo sleeps as high as he can get inside the coop with favs of course at their sides. Coop 3 is all Roo's/cocks They used to sleep on top[ of the coop, but got tired of me putting them inside after dark. I have owls very close by, outside is not an option! Coop 4 under construction.
Euthanasia Through Carbon Monoxide - BackYard Chickens
May 8, 2018 · Equipment we used: a cat carrier, section of tubing/hose that would fit over my car's exhaust pipe (the hose from a wet vac was suggested by some), a large plastic garbage bag, duct tape or something similar, and wire. This was our trial run - without the chicken: I put a bath towel in the carrier, formed to make a comfortable cubby/nest.
Cat litter as a dust bath. - BackYard Chickens
Jul 2, 2009 · Definitely NOT cat litter... There's a lot of chemicals in it (especially the "fragrance" kinds). As mentioned, I'm sure it's deadly when given time to build up in you're bird's system... I second the sand and ashes (and regular dirt). Personally I'd go for the sand.
Urgent Advice Needed (cats Attacking My Hens And Ducks)
Oct 29, 2009 · I feel for you. I lost three young chicks to what I assume was a cat the other night. The only reason I think it was a cat was because last night I heard momma hen and got out of bed to find a stray chasing one of the young chicks. I scared it away, and the chick went back to the tree it was roosting in.