Alphabet to Number and Number to Alphabet - Code Golf Stack …
Aug 16, 2016 · Having your first and second inputs as numbers before you start comparing them could decrease the amount of ASCII-arithmetic you're doing. Alternatively, maybe there is a way to efficiently deal with inputs as symbols ('2' as in '2'), …
Letters in phone numbers - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Feb 20, 2014 · Thus, as per spec, hyphens and numbers are left unchanged, while lowercase letters are mapped into numbers according to the reference keypad diagram. The code will actually cleanly pass through all printable ASCII characters except for lowercase letters (which as mapped as described) and the characters { , | and } (which are mapped to the two ...
Solved: C# Convert letters to numbers - Experts Exchange
Oct 12, 2010 · Need some tips on how to convert a string of letters to numbers, such as: A=1 B=2 C=3 And a string such as: ABACBACBAB = 1213213212 The string will be 10 digits long and accept both numbers and characters, if it is a number we do not process it. Using the same example adding a number: 1BACBACBAB = 1213213212 Any help would be appreciated.
Solved: Validate the string to accept only Arabic , English alphabet ...
Apr 29, 2013 · Hi, We need to Validate the string to accept only Arabic , English alphabet and number. Below is the code we are using for Alphabet and Number validation. This function will return false if the string contains any character other than Alphabet and Number.
Allow only letter, number, or backspace in textbox vb.net
Jan 29, 2004 · I am using the following code to allow only a letter, number, or backspace to be entered into at vb.net textbox: Private Sub txtSearch_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPr essEventAr gs) Handles txtSearch.KeyPress Dim ch As String Dim chBack As String ch = e.KeyChar chBack = Asc(e.KeyChar) If Not Char.IsLetter(ch) = …
there are A-Z alphabets which are numbered as 1-26 - Experts …
Jul 5, 2003 · A modification to my above code to get full total. Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim alphabet(26) As Integer Dim intTotal As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim character As String intTotal = 0 For i = 1 To Len(Text1.Text) character = UCase(Mid(Text1.Text, i, 1)) If character >= "A" And character < "Z" Then alphabet(Asc(character) - 64) = alphabet(Asc(character) - 64) + 1 …
Convert Numbers to Letters, and vice-versa in a string
Jul 4, 2018 · Based on a list of numbers and their equivalent letters, take a string input, replace the characters of that string with the equivalent number/letter and output the result. List. 1 = a; 2 = b; 3 = c; 4 = d; 5 = e; 6 = f; 7 = g; 8 = h; 9 = i; 0 = j; Input. thisisastring1124. Output. t89s9s1str9n7aabd. Rules. Numbers are equivalent to lowercase ...
Alphabet Checksum - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Oct 21, 2022 · Given a string of lowercase letters, output the "alphabet checksum" of that string, as a letter. Example. Let's say we have the string "helloworld". With a = 0, b = 1, c = 2... z = 25, we can replace all of the letters with numbers: h e l l o w o r l d 7 4 11 11 14 22 14 17 11 3 Now, we can sum these: 7+4+11+11+14+22+14+17+11+3 = 114
Letters associated with prime numbers - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Oct 17, 2019 · \$\begingroup\$ related; this is the inverse (letters->numbers). I think the numbers->letters exists somewhere (even if it's just in a bijective base-n question), and prime-related challenges have been done to death. Not saying this is a bad challenge, just that it's a composite of existing ones. \$\endgroup\$ –
Letters to numbers to letters (poorly) - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Jul 21, 2022 · ⎕A⍳ ⍵ find each character's index in the alphabet ⍥⎕C case insensitively (casefold both arguments first) ⍕¨ turn each number into string ∊ flatten nested array to get the individual digits ⍎¨ turn each digit back into a number 27@(0∘=) turn 0s into 27s [ ] index into ⎕A the alphabet ,'0' with a 0 at the end at the 27th ...