Can I reapply Frontline any quicker than 30 days? | TheCatSite
Jul 18, 2021 · You could, before applying the second dosage, give your cat a bath using Dawn Dish soap and a flea comb. Sit and pick as many off as you can. Then when the cat dries and stops grooming itself, apply the flea meds. Then every few days or once a week or whatever, run a flea comb through your cat's fur.
How Does Frontline Work on Cats? - TheCatSite
May 12, 2023 · Wrapping Up: Frontline - A Top Choice For Flea Prevention. Frontline ranks high on the list of flea and tick preventatives. Every month, cat owners trust it to keep their pets safe. The secret? Frontline works its magic right at the cellular level. Once applied to your cat's skin, it gets to work. Yet, remember, each cat is unique.
Using more than one topical flea treatment in a single month, …
Jun 13, 2018 · Alternating products was the goal for me to avoid over-using any one particular active ingredient. I once started a listing of the flea treatment options, what insecticide/parasitic they contain, whether they are absorbed via sebaceous glands (e.g. Adv II, Frontline Plus) or blood stream (e.g. Capstar, Revolution Plus).
Losing fur after flea treatment | TheCatSite
May 3, 2006 · Yesterday morning I applied Advantage flea control for cats over 9 pounds to my cat. It was her first treatment of the year. However, in past years I've applied Advantage to her, but splitting a tube between her and my other cat, and she's always been fine. Now as she is over 9 pounds my vet recommended I apply one whole tube on her.
Using dog frontline flea medication for my cat? - TheCatSite
Nov 14, 2007 · I was told by my Vet that using Frontline Plus for dogs on the cats is perfectly fine. Use a small syringe (without the needle) and measure .5 ml for each cat. I have 5 cats and 2 dogs. I have been doing this for 5 yrs + and I have never had a problem with the cats getting any reaction from the dog flea treatment, and it works fine.
Why is my cat so afraid of flea treatment? | TheCatSite
Jan 31, 2013 · Yes, one of my cats tries to "run away" from the smell. But it subsides after about 24-48 hours. For some cats, it makes their skin itch. Please, please, please use a quality flea treatment like Advantage or Frontline. When I was younger (before I educated myself), I used a Hartz flea treatment on Boo and it landed him in the ER.
Cat Won't Let Me Apply "Frontline Plus" or Any Other Flea Treatment
Dec 3, 2011 · Please post a picture of the fleece you speak of. I am about to take my cat to the vet for flea treatment as I don't own enough leather to protect myself from his bites and scratches. Yes, he bites too. He's and awful cat. I can barely pet him, only when he's hungry and now only his head I think because the fleas are driving him (and me) nuts!
Greasy Fur After Flea Treatments? | TheCatSite
Mar 20, 2007 · In the future, use flea treatment from your vet only. Advantage, frontline that type of thing. Avoid flea shampoos or anything over the counter (including flea collars) to control fleas.
Can I apply Frontline flea treatment if my cat has a wound?
Oct 14, 2013 · My cat has a wound at the back of his neck w/c looks like a scratch, and not deep. It's healing and drying up but he scratched it again recently and it bled a little. He lost some hair in that area too. The last time I used Frontline flea treatment on him was nearly a year ago and he didnt have any bad reactions to it...
Cat sick after flea and worm treatment | TheCatSite
Apr 27, 2009 · The foaming at the mouth happens if one even slightly puts the flea treatment a little low - cats actually have a pretty good reach. I've had a cat react to Advantage, very much like the OP's cat - lethargy and just not really wanting to eat. It …