Kevin Zhou
Kevin Zhou. Biography. I’m a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley and LBNL, working at the Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics. I am primarily interested in accelerating the discovery of physics beyond the Standard Model through new kinds of precision experiments. Many of these ideas focus on detecting ultralight dark matter, though I ...
Kevin Zhou Q [email protected] Ž knzhou.github.io Employment and Education UC Berkeley / Lawrence Berkeley National Lab from2024 PostdoctoralResearcher Stanford University 2024 ... J.Horowitz,K.Zhou,J.England,Phys.Rev.E95,042102(2017) Community White Papers 2203.14923 AxionDarkMatter
knzhou.github.io By contrast, physics competitions were invented to spark interest in physics, and to teach students to think like physicists. Climbing from the F = maexam to the IPhO will take you on a tour
| Kevin Zhou - knzhou.github.io
Here are some articles about how we got here, how it’s going, and what it looks like on the ground. They are all nontechnical; good technical articles are linked in my lecture notes.Regarding the quit lit, I believe that everybody should read some before committing to graduate school, but it needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
| Kevin Zhou
Videos. Here are some fun videos and videogames. Progress. Around the Corner (0:10); The Transistor (0:10); Wonder World of Chemistry (0:18); The Apollo Program (0:54); Building
Kevin ZhouPhysics Olympiad Handouts Mechanics I: Kinematics See chapters 3 and 4 of Morin for material on solving differential equations. For general review on kinematics, see chapter 1 of Kleppner and Kolenkow. For fun, see chapters I-1 through I-8 of the Feynman lectures. There is a total of 92 points. 1 Motion in One Dimension Example 1
Publications - Kevin Zhou
Observed long-range forces are traditionally assumed to be mediated by fields with exactly zero spin scale. We present the first theory of matter particles interacting with “continuous spin” fields with arbitrary $\rho$, and show that there are calculable, universal, observable $\rho$-dependent modifications from familiar gauge theories.
| Kevin Zhou
Here are some answers I’ve written on Physics StackExchange.. Conceptual. Why can’t the Schrodinger equation be derived? Is naturalness meaningful for non-fundamental theories?
Kevin ZhouPhysics Olympiad Handouts Preliminary Problems These problems should be approachable, after some thought, if you understand the core material in Halliday, Resnick, and Krane. If you can solve at least 75% of these completely and correctly, you’re ready to start the main problem sets. Take care: many of the problems are more subtle
Kevin ZhouPhysics Olympiad Handouts at x l and another at x r, we have E(x r) −E(x l) = 1 ϵ 0 Z x r x l ρ(x)dx, E(x) = 1 ϵ 0 Z x ρ(x)dx+ E 0. Since the divergence of E(r) is just ∂E(x)/∂x, this clearly satisfies the differential form of Gauss’s law. To fix the undetermined constantE 0, we could demand the field be zero on