Least Bell's Vireo - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The least Bell’s vireo is a small migratory bird. The westernmost of four subspecies of Bell’s vireo, the least Bell’s vireo winters at the southern end of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. In …
Least Bell's Vireo | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Least Bell’s vireos winter in southern Baja California, Mexico, where they occupy a variety of habitats, including mesquite scrub within arroyos, palm groves, and hedgerows bordering …
Bell's vireo - Wikipedia
The least Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) is an endangered subspecies in Southern California. Consideration of Bell's vireo has been a factor in several land development projects, to protect …
Least Bell's vireo - Biological Diversity
It was one of California's most abundant birds in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but was reduced to just 300 pairs by 1986. The decline was driven by the separate and combined …
The least Bell’s vireo is a small, olive-gray, migra-tory songbird that nests and forages almost exclusively in river-related (riparian) woodlands. It feeds almost entirely on insects.
Bell's Vireo Identification - All About Birds
A tireless little bird of thickets and thorn scrub, the Bell’s Vireo nests from the Midwest to the Southwest and into northern Mexico. Though plain in plumage, males sing so energetically …
Least Bell's Vireo 5-Year Review | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Sep 26, 2006 · Least Bell's Vireo 5-Year Review. Least Bell's Vireo 5-Year Review. Publication Date. Sep 26, 2006. Document Type. Five Year Review. Document Type Qualifier. Final. …
Research Spotlight: New Habitat Maps Inform Endangered Least Bell’s ...
We developed a habitat suitability model for the federally endangered Least Bell’s Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) across its current and historic range in California. The vireo disappeared from …
The Least Bell’s vireo is a small songbird inhabiting riparian vegetation along meandering rivers of southern California. It has a plain, ash gray head and pale sulfur yellow-tinged sides. The body …
Least Bell's vireo - Biological Diversity
A shy, secretive, and silver-tongued songbird, the tenacious least Bell's vireo has been to the brink of extinction and back in recent decades. Although it is federally protected and there has …