What are your favorite "weird" spells? : r/Pathfinder_RPG - Reddit
Here's a funny enchantment: Aura of the unremarkable. "Just a typical day at work guarding the royal vault. Every day the same as the last, clerks walking past, my sergeant on my ass, the lords being a pain, a group of thieves breaking into the vault door, my wife packed a bland lunch but I can never tell her, she takes so much pride in her coo
The Spell Codex: A Complete, Sortable Guide to Pathfinder’s 3039 …
Pathfinder players have very different ideas of which spells are good, bad, and ugly, so the Rating column is a blank slate for you to fill out as you choose. Copy the Spell Codex to your own Google Drive, place the numbers 1-5 in that column to give the spell a color-coded rating, and begin making your own compendium of favorite spells that ...
Best spells in the game? : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
If spells are not modified - everything that buffs the meanest martial or changes the battlefield. Saves spells are usually bad, with little options to boost DC. Nukes give worse results than buffing. For low levels fear + command is godsend. Invisibility line of spells is always useful. Like Donald build a wall. Any wall, even better - all of ...
10 Spells Per Rank -- Occult 2nd Draft : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
Slotted spells that heighten +2 don't really suffer like cantrips/focus spells do, as you simply cast them at the rank that you can while spending an appropriately lesser resource to do so. Inevitably you'll end up casting spells at less than your max rank anyway, including numerical/damage spells, so it's not that big of a deal
There are 3,491 spells in Pathfinder and now you can filter ... - Reddit
Mar 8, 2021 · This thing shows you spells of each level for your criteria (class, school, subschool, and up to four descriptors) using a cool function and some dropdown lists. Shoutouts to the d20pfsrd and the aonprd , which this thing would not have been possible without.
The Spell Codex v2.0: Allerseelen's Ratings Guide to All 3040 1e …
Jan 4, 2023 · Zach and James are great guys who've built a truly amazing search engine for Pathfinder spells, items, monsters, polymorph abilities, and more. I'm looking forward to seeing the Spell Codex v2.0's ratings get incorporated into Project Artemis so that you can finally search for all of this game's best spells with pinpoint accuracy!
Best unique Pathfinder Spells : r/Pathfinder_RPG - Reddit
Apr 19, 2018 · There are so many interesting spells in pathfinder. I wouldn't cal these the most thematic but they are the ones that popped to mind. Vomit swarm is disgustingly evocative and having the chance for higher level casters to cover a player in …
Multiple spells on a turn? : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
You could cast multiple spells in a turn in PF1 and DnD 3e just limited by action economy. PF2 is the same. Most commonly a quickened spell and a normal spell. You can also cast multiple spells per turn in 5e if you have the actions provided one of them is …
What's your favourite 'spell that does weird stuff'? - Reddit
Nov 19, 2021 · Literally just broke this out on my Druid in our Curse of Extinction game. Few players were upset that I hadn't been healing with it more before hand (we hit level 4 spells just at the start of said dungeon), but seemed to calm on that when I reminded that it takes an hour of it to get the healing benefit.
r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker on Reddit: Linzi - Which spells to pick …
Nov 4, 2018 · The beauty about bards/sorcs/eldritch scion's is that you dont need all spells you learn to scale well with you, only 1 or 2 if you find some spells really impactful early. For example, hypnotism and hideous laughter are superpowerful early, but fall of quickly late, while touch of gracelessness is arguably one of the better scaling 1st lvl ...