Type II Supernovae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
5 Core collapse supernova neutrinos. A type II supernova is a huge source of neutrinos of all flavors. This supernova is identified with the collapse of the iron core of a massive (> 8 M ⊙) evolved star. Present type II supernova detectors are able to mainly observe neutrinos coming from the so-called cooling phase.
What is the difference between a type I and type II supernovas?
Mar 22, 2016 · A type I supernova is caused by a white dwarf and a type II supernova is caused by a massive star. Both types of supernova are caused by a star's core collapsing under gravity. When this happens temperatures and pressures increase until the point where new fusion reactions start. These fusion reactions can consume huge amounts of material in a short time …
Nucleosynthesis in type II supernovae - ScienceDirect
Apr 14, 1997 · First stars V - Abundance patterns from C to Zn and supernova yields in the early Galaxy 2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics Nucleosynthesis in chandrasekhar mass models for type Ia supernovae and constraints on progenitor systems and burning-front propagation
Supernovae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Jan 9, 2008 · A further sub-division of Type I is made according to a strong silicon line that is seen in Type Ia objects (about 24% of all supernovae [1]) at peak luminosity but is absent in Type Ib/c (about 19% of all supernovae [1]). The goal of supernova modeling is to understand the physical mechanism of these events.
Type Ic Supernovae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Jan 9, 2008 · Astronomy with Radioactivities. V. John F. Beacom, in New Astronomy Reviews, 2006 1 Introduction. The initial state that leads to a type-II (or type-Ib or type-Ic) supernova is essentially an iron white dwarf (the endpoint of nuclear fusion reactions) in the center of a massive star; when it reaches the Chandrasekhar mass, this core will collapse, along with the rest of …
Addressing type Ia supernova color variability with a linear spectral ...
Oct 1, 2024 · (2), on Nearby Supernova Factory (SNfactory) Data Release 9 (for more information see Aldering et al. (2020)). This sample used for model training and validation consists of 2474 spectra from 171 spectroscopically confirmed SNeIa with redshift ranging from 0.01 to 0.08.
Type Ia Supernovae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The iron-peak nuclei observed in nature had their origin in supernova explosions. Type II and type Ia supernovae provide the dominant sites in which this “explosive nucleosynthesis” mechanism is known to operate. These two supernova sites operate on distinctively different timescales and eject different amounts of iron.
Type Ia supernovae selection and forecast of cosmology …
Feb 1, 2013 · The simulated sample is a mockup of the expected results of the Dark Energy Survey. Fits to the MLCS2k2 and SALT2 Type Ia supernova models are compared and used to help separate the Type Ia supernovae from the core collapse sample. The Dark Energy Task Force Figure of Merit (modified to include core collapse supernovae systematics) is used to ...
A graph-based spectral classification of Type II supernovae
Jul 1, 2023 · SN2009dd is a Type II supernova that displays characteristics of both the bright branch and weak interaction between the circumstellar material and the ejecta, as indicated by high-velocity features in the Balmer lines (Inserra et al., 2013). This feature is commonly observed in Type IIn SNe and Type IIL SNe (Bostroem et al., 2019). Our graph ...
The Type Ia Supernova rate in the local Universe - ScienceDirect
Oct 1, 2006 · Type Ia Supernova (SNIa) are observed in all types of galaxies, with at least three believed to have occurred in our Galaxy in the past millennium. However, a precise measurement of the SNIa rate in Universe is complicated by systematic errors and a small number of observed events (e.g. Wood-Vasey, 2005 ).