Embed threaded rods into curb, wingwall, and toewall using a Type III, Class C, D, E, or F anchor adhesive. Minimum embedment depth is 8". Provide anchor adhesive able to achieve a basic …
cification C-76, Class III, Wall B for circular pipe. Provide precast concrete end sections with a spigot or bell end for compatibility to upstream or downstream end conditions with sufficient …
Fill the top 4" of void between precast end treatments with concrete riprap. Concrete riprap is Toewall to be used only when dimension is shown elsewhere in the plans.
Safety end treatments (SET) shown herein are intended for Texas Transportation Institute, March 1981. "Safety Treatment of Roadside Parallel-Drainage Structures", pounds at yield as …
Safety end treatments (SET) shown herein are intended for Texas Transportation Institute, March 1981. "Safety Treatment of Roadside Cross-Drainage Structures", pounds at yield as …
- Furnish, construct, and install safety end treatments or replace pipe runners or pipe runner assemblies as indicated in the plans. Districtwide Use. 2004 English Special Provisions by …
Furnish, construct, and install safety end treatments for drainage structures, or install or replace pipe runners or pipe runner assemblies on existing drainage structures. 2.
Furnish, construct, and install safety end treatments for drainage structures, or install or replace pipe runners or pipe runner assemblies on existing drainage structures. 2.1. General. Furnish …
Culvert standards are available for cast-in-place and precast boxes (both single box and multi-box). Standards for wingwalls and safety-end-treatments are included for these boxes. …
Adjust clear distance between pipes to provide for the minimum distance between safety end is considered subsidiary to the Item 467, "Safety End Treatment." Fill the top 4" of void between …