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- As the World
Turns 1988 - Michael Swan
Grammar - Shawn Michaels
Best Entrance - Michael Swan
as the World Turns - Roddy
Piper - Shawn Michaels
Highlights - As the World
Turns 1989 - WWE
Batista - As the World
Turns 1994 - Undertaker
HBK - WWE Shawn
Michaels - As the World
Turns 1991 - Shawn Michaels
Movies - Undertaker
Entrance - Seth
Rollins - As the World
Turns 1987 - English Practical
Use - Shawn Michaels
Wrestlemania 26 Entrance - Shane
O'Sullivan - White Lion
Movie - As the World
Turns 2012 - Shawn Michaels
Marty Jannetty - WWE
Kicks - WrestleMania 23 Undertaker
Entrance - HBK
Returns - Undertaker vs HBK
Wrestlemania 26
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